The Advantages of
Strategic. Targeted. Affordable.
Up to now, in order to truly compete, you would have to SEO yourself to the top of page 1 and pay for every click from your customers in a pay-per-click campaign. Now you can bypass the competition, eliminate pay-per-click and own the entire organic search results.

Thinking inside the box
Take the whole page
With our Autocomplete-Optimization program, we can help ensure that your company’s name is prominently displayed in the search box. This way, customers will be more likely to select your business due to recommendations from Google and Bing, or because they perceive you to have the most authority. We guarantee that your company will stand out in the auto-suggestions box of Google & Bing, driving more customers to you.

Where the search engines suggest where the user should go.
America shops on the first page.
It’s common knowledge that most people don’t look past the first page of search results, usually opting to refine their query and try again if they don’t find what they want. To ensure your products and services appear in front of potential customers, you should make use of the suggestion boxes available from search engines like Google and Bing. Doing so will give consumers the trust they need to choose you.

If you are not sure on the keyword to use, we will help
You usually have an idea of the search terms that will bring customers to your business. Occasionally, though, you may be uncertain of the optimal keyword combinations. We work with you to identify the most suitable keywords for your sector
To ensure a strong and lasting partnership, we will review and analyze the submitted keyword phrases when you place an order for Autocomplete-Optimization. We may reach out to you with suggestions for further optimization of the keyword phrases to draw in more customers. We will perform keyword research based on the following:
- Monthly search volume
- Keyword competitiveness
- Pay-per-click bid costs
- Searches related to buyers vs. researchers
- Urgent need phrases